Saturday, June 13, 2009

Arduino Project I

I've spent the most of the evenings of the last week working on code, and experimenting with I2C communication between my Arduino and one of the BlinkMs I bought. (The other one is defective, and I'm not getting much response from Sparkfun, the company I bought it from, in getting it replaced. I'm going to start sending angry email next week.)

Having nailed down the I2C communications, I started working on a simple user interface, written in Processing. The UI displays a set of simple sliders that represent the level of each of the primary additive colors, red, green and blue. The sliders run from 0 to 254 (255 is a special marker character in the serial protocol I wrote for my Processing UI and my Arduino code to talk to each other). It also has a box in the UI panel that shows an approximation of the color. Whenever you adjust the sliders, the preview box updates, and the update string is sent out the serial port to the arduino, then the arduino sends the appropriate color change command over I2C to the BlinkM.

I'll probably adapt the Arduino code to directly run a common-cathode LED off the PWM pins as well. I can update the protocol and the UI to run both the BlinkM and the direct LED at once, with two different colors. Longer term will be to code Arduino light scripts, a sequencer (I don't like the one that is supplied with the BlinkM) etc.

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